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Logo_144 ClearCove Software, Inc. Rails Recipes

This pattern helps you organize your Controller and View code with the following objectives in mind:

  • Align your code concerns with the domain concerns.
  • Bring the domain use cases to the forefront, so that it is obvious what your app does.
  • Eliminate conditionals in your controllers and views as much as possible to make your code easy to reason about and so simple that you don’t really need tests. (We’re trading a bit of duplication for simplicity of code.)


  • Permission checking is super simple: one before_filter in each name space’s base controller. See below for an example.
  • Hardly any conditionals in your views. Since you create views specifically for each role, you can rely on the controller’s permission checking, and you don’t need to make your views modal, based on a user’s role. You know that anybody viewing a template in the ‘admin’ namespace is an admin.

Domain roles

We start by identifying the user roles that will use your app. Everything will be organized around these roles.

Example: In an online training application we have the following roles:

  • Admin: Manages user roles, app settings, etc.
  • Facilitator: Facilitates a training cohort, can see students’ progress and data.
  • Curriculum editor: Works on course ware, edits and reviews training materials.
  • Registrar: responsible for setting up training cohorts, registration, payments.
  • Student: Participates in the online training.

These five roles cover every use case of the app. We use them to organize our code at the top level. These are concerns that are unlikely to change. These roles have probably existed in your client’s organization for a long time, and it might require years of negotiations with the Union to change them. So they are a prime candidate as the primary category for organizing your code.

Alternative categorization dimensions:

  • ActiveRecord models: This is a very common way of primarily organizing the code in Rails apps. The problem is that they are implementation details that might change, and often they are not the concepts your clients think and talk about.

Controller organization

Below is an example file system view of your app/controllers folder:

* admin
  * base_controller.rb
  * facilitators_controller.rb
  * reports_controller.rb
  * settings_controller.rb
* anonymous_controller.rb
* application_controller.rb
* curriculum_editor
  * base_controller.rb
  * courses_controller.rb
  * tasks_controller.rb
* facilitator
  * base_controller.rb
  * students_controller.rb
  * reports_controller.rb
* registrar
  * base_controller.rb
  * groups_controller.rb
  * reports_controller.rb
  * students_controller.rb
* student
  * base_controller.rb
  * groups_controller.rb
  * student_tasks_controller.rb
  * students_controller.rb

Controller inheritance

Each controller namespace has a BaseController. In this controller you can enforce permissions for the given role in one place and then not worry about them in any of the child controllers and views.

Permission check is defined in base controller:

class CurriculumEditor::BaseController < ApplicationController

  before_filter :enforce_curriculum_editor_permissions


  def enforce_curriculum_editor_permissions
    raise AuthorizationError  unless current_user.is_curriculum_editor?


Subclasses of base controller will inherit the permission check before filter:

class CurriculumEditor::CoursesController < CurriculumEditor::BaseController

  def index

